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Not bad! Over 50 images created for the month. I'm still not fully caught up, but this feels like a very much better improvement.

I still have a handful more to complete, but in an effort to make requests easier to track, I've moved requests to a google form. This will it be easier to transfer requests to a spreadsheet I've been using to keep myself in order this month.

I also reached over 17000 followers on my twitter. I can't believe that many have enjoyed my work enough to give me a follow. It's magnitudes larger than what I was happy over just a year ago. It was just in March that I received 10k followers and my persona, Gale, jumped her implant size to match. I want to do something special for the hopeful 20k bash. It's been only 6 months since Gale had her 10k implants, but now, she's gotten away from them and back to a modest size. 

Really this is to refine and upgrade her model as a sort of test bed. When the day of 20k comes as well; I'd like to do something more with her too.

I'm not sure if this means a special commemorative comic or something like a grow drive. Grow drives are fun, but her starting point might be at 20k and it'll be up to everyone to take her further out. Exciting but the technical side of me knows it'll just get harder and harder to make clothes for her and pose her with an impending growth. 

As well, it's not much fun to do a grow drive just to have her back down to a size 6th months down the road (like I did now), so this will all be done with Gale being forced at that size for 2 years. That also could be fun as a way to explore her frustrations (and turn ons) at that size before the final moment she gets to choose to change her size or stay.

But... I have plenty of ideas, especially the ones I spewed out in an update a few months ago, so I have to remember and try to keep a steady pace. 

Given the past few weeks, I'm a bit more confident in that I'm getting back on my feet. Especially that my tooth/jaw pain returned in the past 3 weeks. A small ache at first, it developed into much more in the past few days. Still pressured on and tried to receive help. I wasn't able to get the help before because of a bill quoted to me at 12k. This time, I was only chased away by a bill of 2k. Kinda wish they could atleast send the debt to collectors so I could get help. Really sad to say that. :/ Atleast I was given an alternate care of medications. 

Eitherway, I do really want to thank for your support and understanding. It has meant the world to me.




Will she be natural this time around?


It'd be a great time to do a natural look for awhile; it's an option but I'm still figuring it out.


Awesome, natural and lactating is a good combo for her. I wonder what will change this time around, can't wait ^_^