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So... another month down and again I don't have much to show. June saw me dealing with a incessant tootache. July saw my vision deteriorate to the point that any light in my vision was extremely painful. Now for august... I got covid.

I remember asking the person who gave me covid, "why don't you go get tested," and them remarking that they couldn't possibly have covid.

So... I had it. My significant other got it too. She couldn't work and we both just slipped into the illness.

I was optimistic at first, I posted to my patreon how I was hankering for tiddie and trying to just laugh things off. Hell, I was optimistic because I was tested negative at first so I thought it was just a gnarly cold or something.

After 2 weeks, my fever was hitting the point I was told I'd need to get to an emergency room. So we went and got tested again. Again, I came back negative, but my significant other came back positive. They informed me that I've had a false negative and definetely have covid. They checked our lungs to see if we'd need further help, but we were cleared. 

Our fevers broke over the next few days, but the fatigue and lack of appetite was what we were left with. For me, I had to force myself to have regular meals of soups. Eventually our energy returned but we noticed we'd get winded just from normal walks.

The end result is another dead month. From receovering, I did as much work as I could've to present to you all. Mostly this was catching up with $10 tier supporters. 

I did also note that I had completely lost my track of work from being sick. I had to also redo my notes on art progress; I'll have to re-read last month's update just to remind myself on the track I was going for into August. I'm thankful I've been doing these updates to point myself in a direction.

For those in the $10+ tiers, here's my notes so far on work pending.

Freshman 15 series - Three posts worth

Adi series - Three posts worth

Busty Dude Growth - Three posts worth

Winnie's Wardrobe - Three posts worth

Busty's Pizza Girl - Three posts worth

GOMAD!!! - One post worth

Please 10+ tier supporters, send me your ideas or post down below. I've been in a working groove lately and hopefully can tackle all these before the 15th of the month.

I do want to apologize again, if you'd like to take a break from supporting. I do understand. I would like to point you to the link I created last month where I'll be posting both July's and Augusts posts so you see the posts planned for these months as they come out.


Before getting covid, I was working on a 3d printed figure. I had done a few test figures with one being given to CandlesStyx , but I was still trying to work things out with her. Mostly, I wanted more sense of weight given to her boobs so I was doing far more scultping than I've done in the past and spent far more hours on her than any other figure before. Really, I'm hoping to get her to a point to sell printed figures of her in my online store to help me through medical expenses. I'd love some feedback on her.

Thank you all for your support and I'm hoping september gives me a break from the constant medical dilemas.



Jack Ramsey

hey don't worry about it, sometimes life decides to be really fuckin shitty for a while and you come out the other end eventually. take your recovery seriously and don't overstress yourself, many of us will be here chilling, no worries :)


Hey Unnamed, just take care of yourself. If you don't have your health, you don't have anything. And agreed with the other post, we'll be here chilling, don't overstress too much - don't be afraid to focus on you. For my request: Winnie, from August's 'Winnie: Massive Blimps', is bra shopping for her new massive blimps and is having trouble finding anything that fits her breasts and belly. (But she can't believe how big she's gotten - but she absolutely loves it). (Clothed and naked if possible)