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I want to thank you all for helping me through last month. I got alot of messages & comments of advice and encouragement, it really helped me push forward. I've still been playing in my head the events leading up to my job loss. Trying to figure out why I was let go really hurts when all I was told was, "not a good fit." I'm continuing my applications for other jobs, but truthfully, I'd much rather make my art. I can't thank all of you enough for supporting my work. Liking, commenting, and retweeting my work has also helped tremendously. It lets me know I can do this and be okay at it.

I'm really hoping that this month gets me closer to my patreon goal where I can stop job searching. It won't cover everything, but at the very least it'll get me to just not worry about having to apply anywhere else.

So, I'll drop the sad stuff for the rest of the update; let's get down to tiddi~

This month was all about catching up and figuring things out. 63 renders were made to comprise around 60-70 images. Why the 60-70? Just counting the no text images made for some of the short stories.

Additionally, 152 renders were made for the animation this month too.

The results of this month, were awesome~ I'm hoping in June, I maintain those numbers or exceed them. Since May was a month of catching up on alot of work, it's tough to say where my estimates for June will be. 

However! We saw the return of long neglected short stories, a new comic, and an animation after so many months of none of these! That has to be good news right?

You may also notice that this May update is clearly in June too. Well that was something I decided late in May. As the month comes to a close, I'm usually hard at work finalizing things and making sure whatever I have planned to close with gets posted on time. By the time that gets done, I'm usually wrecked and not at all in a headspace to type of a monthly synapsis. Giving myself that added day, relieves that tiny amount of pressure of getting a monthly update out. Along with this, the monthly comic catch-up post for $5+ tier supporters will also come out at the beginning of the month instead. Both as a way to not make the end of the month feel so cramped to me.

I've also been giving some thoughts to a survey. It's been forever since I've done one here and I'd like to get one out soonish so I can get more of an idea of what is hot and what's realllly hot.

So thank you all for the support and here's hoping to a good June.




Good luck with your applications! If you want to do art full time I totally understand, I’m sure most of us will be here supporting you. It sounds like this month is going to be awesome btw!!


Oh I really wish to do it full time with no outside stressors. I've got my to-do art work list done for the month and there's goodies coming for sure~


Good luck with the future. And if you need a easy job, do food delivery like doordash, grubhub, etc. I think you work on your time with those jobs.