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Well crap... I got laid off on friday. No performance issues or negligent anything, they just... let me go. They offered a letter of recommendation, but all my contacting them this week has been fruitless. Maybe they didn't like my comment when they said, "Hey don't be a stranger," when they let me go. I just reacted with a, "uhh idk about that."

It hurt. I could tell earlier in the week something was amiss and I even told my significant other, "I think they are gonna fire me on friday." We just chalked it up to my usual anxieties kicking in, but nope. I was right, despite all that morning with me going to meetings and superiors (and my boss) talking to me like I would be there the following week.

It put me down and while I was down, I got kicked again.

Unemployment benefits don't go to with the way things are calculated. I have to wait for July to apply and then I'd have a higher probability of getting unemployment paid out. 

For those who are new. I got that job because my significant other (SO) got laid off back in November. She got unemployment but we needed to figure out to plug the gap in funds fast. That landed me in this job and now we're back where we were in November, except I'm not entitled to any unemployment.

Things are bad. Real bad. We've been applying for jobs like mad. We got ahead on alot of old debt, but we're in a position right now where we don't know how to cover the basics.

Please, if you can, please consider supporting up a tier or adding to your tier. I'd really appreciate it. 

I've not gone without working for you all since my last update. I'm currently doing render queue of 15 images to release over the next few days, with more being made ready to render soon.

Again, I'm in a bad bind and your support is one of the few options I have left. If you can't move up a tier or add; that's alright you're all doing plenty to help my situation by sticking around.





I empathize with you, I'm trying to find a job that can give me the hours to live on. Do you use gumroad and PayPal? I'll try to donate $50 or more on the 4th next month if they don't cut my hours again but i will try. I'm sorry. I hope life goes better for you even when we are strangers. I'm looking for a full time job instead of part-time cause that was when I can be a patron of a bunch of artists and you.


it's alright, I appreciate the support you have given and you shouldn't push yourself if you're in a similar spot too. we'll get through this; if nothing else we can try and be positive


I know but I want to try to help. I've read your posts since October and I understand even though I wanted to help back then soo much life keep getting expensive. The stress is a killer and society really dislike artist like you guys which is disheartening, I just wish people get the love they deserve and you get the respect and love you deserve.


Moved up a tier, hope this helps a bit.


I'll be honest, I was considering cutting back my patreon subs, but I'll keep yours! ❤️ I hope things turn around for you!