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For this month 23 images and 2 comic pages were made this month. Really this month was me learning to get in a groove with making my art while juggling a full time job. It was hard. During my lunch breaks I try to write and I wake up early to work on the scenes, characters, outfits, etc. This sucked. Mostly because I would frustrate myself with not having enough time before work to get much done. I needed to spread things out across several days, but I think this has let me conceptualize and think about scenes and concepts in a more paced manner. It still frustrated me and I'll be trying out different work flows for February.

But on a positive note, I do feel like I'm spending more time writing so I can flesh out some of the stories I've been writing. Without looking at numbers, I do feel like I've made more story posts this month on average. 

On a personal updates. My new job has been pretty great; the environment is incredibly positive. Currently I don't have personal time off for when I get sick, but my boss has been accommodating for my flare ups in allowing me to choose to take a slow work day or go home. I have an appointment with a doc this friday so hopefully things can get moving to fix me.

Thank you all for the help, support, and messages of encouragement. I want to continue and grow the amount of art I make for you as I adjust to my new job. I'm sorry that for this month that I seemed to have dumped everything I've worked on on the last day. With my work flow, I ended up with scenes that were 80-90% finished and it was only during my last week that I came to the realization of remote working during my lunch break to get things done. This gave a huge boost to productivity.

If you'd like to chat or say hi, feel free to send a PM, contact my discord ( unnamed#0373 ) or slide into my twitter DMs. https://twitter.com/unnamedart1

See you all in February!




Glad to hear the new job is going well and also that you're getting into your groove juggling the job with your Patreon work. Keep it up, great work as always!