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This month's comic catch-up includes the following and sizes at about 322 mb: 

  • 5th Year (37 pages and the next 1 unfinished pages)
  • Wrong Medicine (26 pages and the next unfinished page)
  • Intern (7 pages and the next unfinished page)
  • Chemists (11 pages - completed comic)

September 2019 Comic Catch Up File 

 I want to apologize for the lackluster spectacle that was October.  

26 Renders were completed this month, in total. ooof.

This all can be attributed to the move I just completed. Originally, I was to move by the 12th, but the apartments I was going through the application process with all messed up the actual contract/lease. One apartment messed up the application process so spectacularly that I spent the 11th contacting legal help and that apartment is now pending an investigation into breaking a law. Mostly I was concerned that I would be homeless on the 13th as we signed a form telling our now former apartment we would be out by the 12th. We talked to them in time to push our move out by a week; as well I called the power company to not turn off the power by a week too. I was to have a moving truck on the 10th and ready to go by the morning of the 12th, but of course I had to cancel. I tried to get to work for you guys, mostly had to unpack my computer for this and use a tiny printer desk. This was the few posts done on the 16th as well as some pre production on the costumes for the renders posted yesterday. 

Luckily one apartment corrected the lease and we were able to sign. On the 19th our old-apartment was empty and I spent a few hours vacuuming and dusting the corners. I still haven't received a call about a cleaning fee, so I think I cleaned it well enough.

I then spent 10 hours driving the moving truck. My significant other started work the following monday and I spent the week sick. The stress and, probably, significant change of temperature just kicked my butt.

But, I'm here. I did my best to catch up on what I could for this month, but I plan to have a very productive november to hopefully make up for this.

I can't thank you all enough for supporting my work, you helped me move. Without this, my significant other wouldn't have been able to accept her new job. It truly means the world to me. If you have a question for an OC (or for me) feel free to shoot me a PM or post a comment. If you'd like to chat with me, again, feel free to shoot me a PM or to contact my discord account: unnamed#0373  




Forget about October productivity, your big move was more importaaant

Anthony Betz

Wow! She is awesome. Perfect size and shape