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  [ Catch Up Link Removed - Please see latest Comic Catch-Up post here]  

45 renders were made to comprise 22 images this month; an additional 12 renders were made for the 3 comic pages posted this month. No animation was completed this month as the current one in production is a longer form than the usual.

This month's comic catch-up sizes to about 254 mb and includes

  • 5th Year (35 pages and the next unfinished page)
  • Wrong Medicine (24 pages and the next unfinished page)
  • Intern (5 pages and the next unfinished page)
  • Chemists (11 pages - completed comic)

  [ Catch Up Link Removed - Please see latest Comic Catch-Up post here]  

And here's the work update. This month proved superior to previous months, but I need to continue to improve.

I was able to go back to doing short stories as stated last month: Cassie received two new story updates and Cleavage Medley received the next part. For September, Emily's Choice will be update (apologies for that missing this month) as well as Samantha getting her story as she tries to live with her enormous implants. 

Mentioning Samantha, this month also saw the end of my first grow drive. Thank you all for participating and I was super esctatic to see the reception was positive; while I don't plan to have these all the time, I would like to do another one early/mid october. The hope is to have this tied to Samantha's upcoming short story; the next grow drive will not include Samantha, she's pretty content with her size as biggest breast size of all my OC's.

This month I also practiced preparing a file for 3d printing; unfortunately Samantha's breast size prohibited her from being printed at one company, and her file size (once prepared) was as well to big for a seperate company. The hope is to see if my work can be translated to print form in a satisfactory manner to eventually raffle one off to my patreon supporters. Due to the issues with file size and company's policies, I'm also looking into purchasing a 3d printer. This is all up in the air, but I do think this could add some nifty possibilities with my characters making their way to your desk.

Thank you all for supporting my work; it truly means the world to me. If you have a question for an OC (or for me) feel free to shoot me a PM. If you'd like to chat with me, again, feel free to shoot me a PM or to contact my discord account: unnamed#0373
