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Hey beautiful people!

June was very busy for me with the maps for Rural Tavern and partially with rural roads. Those project took the most of the time, but in the end we got a really fat pack of maps, variations and sceneries done in UE5.

Along with that I was able to make some really quick side project with Landing Page for Warhammer 40K Dark Heresy system. Which is a niche - I know, but I made it for my another campaign I'd like to run soon and I share it with you for free.

This month I'd like to thank especially to Foundry users who were very patient, testing new maps in uneasy situation with different Foundry version and complications with compatibility between its versions. I hope soon all other creator modules get an update for version 11 and I'll be able to switch on v11 too. Thank you! :)

Plans for July - oh yes, there are plans for sure that's gonna be Avernus maps!

I'm still on my vacations which means no creative work, since I'm away from my machine. That said I'm trying to compensate it with some social media posts, just to give a heart beat and do not let forget about me. For those who may missed that:

Here is my social links - I'll be really grateful for likes, subs, thumbs and comments:)

Thank you!





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