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Does anybody have a problem with Rural Tavern map downloading via foundry manifest? Does it download Lost Mines maps instead?




I got it. I'll send you the new manifest on priv and update it for Tier 2. Fixing the rest of the tiers comes soon too. The thing is v10 and v11 Foundry have diffetent database strcture. Not going into the detials, there is no backwards compatibily and Rural Tavern module has been done on v11. Had to reinstall v10 and repack all the stuf but it seems to work now :)


Everytime I install the module I on V11 I get a bad magic error and causes me not to be able to start my server


Hi, Please try to reinstall the whole module. Delete it completely and install once again. If that doesn't work, well the only workaround I can advise is: - install the module - don't add it to your game Once this is done, you just create the scene and in the scene properties there is a spot where you add the map path, browse for the map file and take it from the module. In the local Foundry app, your modules are usually saved under this path: C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\modules If you're on Forge, you can essentially do the same by importing the map into your Forge game from the local machine, once you download the module. I'm terribly sorry it doens't work between the versions. I hoped this would be no brainer, but apparently the v11 completely rebuilds the db structure :/