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Simply go to the website  (https://dranskybattlemaps.com/) and open Patreon tab to browse through the specific tier content. That's it! :)




Are you still updating Moulinette?


Sure! Every release, except of free official WoTC maps, lands on Moulinette too. :)


Hey! The FoundryVTT Modules for the Arena Boss Fight are not working. "Module validation errors: packs: 0: type: may not be undefined"


Hi Hi! The Lost Mines Module appears borked; I cant get past 1% on import


actually it works on foundry desktop; looks lke a forge issue

Shane Zuspan

Yep digging this ^^^ Thanks!

Franck Florentin

Much better. And congrats on joining Moulinette! That convinced me to join your Patreon again, as adding and browsing content is so much easier with this tool. I hope it brings many patrons to you.


I'm so happy to welcome you back! Yes I'm facing some overgrowth with the maps and stuff, so Moulinette was the only reasonable move. Still need to figure out some more convenient way to access maps for non-foundry patrons. A web page would be something decent (like 2minute TableTop) but it's on very early idea stage :)


You should hook up a discord channel to this...I needed the maps right now for a session but now i have to wait?