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 Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/61s8jk468oerg0gwwyebh/26.02.2022-Kiss.mp4?rlkey=bpnshfz14hpntn7knufcyr4qu&dl=0

Pass - 2602

May my videos help you relax and unwind a little at this anxious time.
I will try to continue to please you with content as usual.
Take care of yourself.
Пусть в это тревожное время мои видео помогут вам на чуть-чуть расслабиться и отдохнуть.
Я постараюсь вас и дальше радовать контентом  в обычном режиме.
Берегите себя.


(No title)



I hope everything can go back to be peaceful soon


We all hope you are ok too at this time ❤️ Мы все надеемся, что вы тоже в порядке в это время ❤️


Show more feet pls 😊


Очень красивое видео, большое спасибо, Ангелина.


Wonderful as always. I hope you’re doing fine during this hard time ❤️


And rip russia economy say goodbye to swift

Darththorn (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-01 20:28:59 I hope you're safe and well. <3
2022-02-27 03:18:34 I hope you're safe and well. <3

I hope you're safe and well. <3


Wait, are you russian or from Ukraine?


Hello. I'm from Russia. I have relatives in Ukraine. I am very worried about the current situation in the world. I worry about my relatives. Hope everything will well. 🌍❤️‍🩹


Yeah this sucks, this war will affect russian people to very badly. Hopefully someone is brave enough to stop putin.


Praying for peace! 🙌


I think it's incredibly unfair for people to blame average Russian people for this. Is the guy bagging groceries at his local store responsible for his government's actions? Even if they support Putin's actions, they don't have any power to affect the situation one way or another. It's an ancient injustice but one that we forever have to deal with.


Any chance you'll be doing more roleplay/closeup/pov style videos and less microphone style videos in the future?