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Девушки из таверны и звуки рта ♥


Girls from the tavern and mouth sounds ♥


Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vov1sbed33usuqam6figq/7.10.2019-Tavern-Mouth-sounds.mp4?rlkey=qhzpjumdd00d25yup9440yhyd&dl=0

Pass - 0710



(No title)



Password for video - QKfpc




So many videos! You’re spoiling us 😭❤️

Andrew Mascolo Jr

Audio is still not correct. There is no left ear / right ear isolation. Everything is in the middle. ☹️


Very Nice ! And thank you for all of these videos recently !☺️😴


October is definitely going to be a great month!


I do not understand. Everything is correct with me. Left girl with left earphone. Right to right. What is wrong with you and why? Does anyone else have such a problem? ( Я не понимаю. У меня все корректно. Левая девушка с левого наушника. Правая с правого. Что у вас не так и почему? Есть ли еще у кого такая проблема? )


Ребята, если у кого еще проблема со звуком? У меня вроде все нормально. Лево и право.. Одна больше с одной стороны, другая с другой. Все как всегда... ( Guys, if anyone else has a problem with sound? Everything seems to be fine with me. Left and right .. One is more on the one hand, the other on the other. Everything as usual...)


Fine for me too. I think that guy does not have his audio settings set up properly?

Andrew Mascolo Jr

I’m watching it on my phone through the Vimeo link you provided. Maybe the problem is there, I don’t know. I don’t have the Vimeo iPhone app installed.

Mint Paws

Ты нас так балуешь этой осенью, спасибо за столько нового контента😍. Как всегда супер. Со звуком никаких проблем ☺️


Try installing the app. The web version may not support binaural audio.

Andrew Mascolo Jr

@Photon_ no they are correct it’s just the last few videos have had this issue, none of her older videos are giving me this problem. Even her YouTube videos are fine. I think it might just be Vimeo is not working correctly with iOS 13.1


Со звуком все нормально, возможно у кого-то просто проблемы с наушниками

Алексей Филонов

О, робкие и несмелые ахегао проскакивают иногда )) Круть )


This October is so beautiful.


Спасибо за столько бонусов за последнее время) Звук идеальный, ничего страшного)


Thank you for the video ❤️! Can you use more the white 3dio I think it sounds better.


😊Видео огонь Геля😊под звуки рта я просто таю😊

Andrew Mascolo Jr

Ok so turns out Vimeo combines the audio channels into one when on weak / poor quality networks. I was on my cellular network earlier today and well... my comment above. But now that I’m home and on my WiFi, the audio is perfect.

it's me chloe

you've been spoiling us so much with a lot of amazing mouth sound/ ear licking videos. thank you so much!! 💛

Ivanov Vanya

ahegao во время ликинга - огонь идея) справа сексуальна и обаятельна киса на 100%)

Time Lord

Вот как в таверне встречают господина Лиса, который исправно выполняет свою работу)