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>> Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0p7n1lkt7ygbxvp2t3yii/21.12.2018-Santa-Snow-Maiden-Mouth-Sound-Trigger.mp4?rlkey=jcnjtlcmptry3jwxjzvsa5200&dl=0

Pass - 2112


Санта и снегурочка! Звуки рта и просто релакс, триггеры 🎅🎄
Это 10 минутное фан АСМР видео только для патреонов. Прикрепляю так же аудио файл с этого видео :3

Спасибо большое за вашу поддержку ♥


Hello! This 10 min ASMR fun-video is for patrons only. Audio file from this video is attached below :3

Thank you very much for your support. ^^


(No title)



Merry Christmas🎄


Thank you and happy holidays to you !🎅☺


Beautiful video, thank you ❤ Merry Merry Christmas x)


😊С наступающим новым годом 😊Геля😊❤️спасибо за видео😊


А можно спросить насчет новогодних сигн? Они где то есть уже или нет еще?


Я их сфоткала - надо обработать - времени совсем не хватает. Пытаюсь успеть все х)


Amazing! Merry Christmas to you.


A wonderful video, as always. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! 🎉


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too Angelina! 🥳❤️

Jean-François Bédard (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-01 04:43:24 Can't Resist <3 this is so lovely ^^ Girls doing ASMR are so gentle.. most Males don't have the touch to do ASMR (not including Ephemeral Rift, this guy's Hands movements are so calming haha)
2022-01-01 04:43:24 Can't Resist <3 this is so lovely ^^ Girls doing ASMR are so gentle.. most Males don't have the touch to do ASMR (not including Ephemeral Rift, this guy's Hands movements are so calming haha)
2018-12-21 18:07:41 Can't Resist <3 this is so lovely ^^ Girls doing ASMR are so gentle.. most Males don't have the touch to do ASMR (not including Ephemeral Rift, this guy's Hands movements are so calming haha)

Can't Resist <3 this is so lovely ^^ Girls doing ASMR are so gentle.. most Males don't have the touch to do ASMR (not including Ephemeral Rift, this guy's Hands movements are so calming haha)


I would like to see you doing some exclusive roleplays here, like you do for your youtube channel rather than the mouth sound/licking.


Мечтаю увидеть ASMR от тающей снегурки, с влажными звуками рта, и глубоким дыханием =(