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I thought the delay in my PC shipping would prevent me from recording since my old PC has been randomly booting down on its own.

But someone just messaged me that I can record in one format thats incorruptible (.MKV) and then convert to MP4 when I’m done. Thank you Matt!. I will get to recording now so 2 episodes will be up tomorrow. I hope that is acceptable enough for you all.

Just a side note, there’s a smoke cloud from the Canadian forest fires blanketing the entire eastern seaboard! So it may seem hazy or smokey outside, and please stay indoors until it clears up! I’m nowhere near Canada and it feels like everyone is barbecuing outside at once!



I’m in Indianapolis and it looks like LA rush hour smog out here. Crazy.

Kim Cottingham

Well I'm in humidity capital of the world Louisiana! But cant wait til tomorrow!!

Mark M

Yes, I feel like I've been standing around a campfire for a couple days.


I'm in Arizona and it's just ... hot. ;)


Colorado got hit heavy by that smoke a couple weeks ago. It's still causing issues here.

Josh snipes

And just now as I’m reading this the barbecue smog is finally hitting Philly


Central California checking in with intermittent rain fall.

Sean L.

I’m in Buffalo right next to the border of Canada and it is really hazy and smokey in our clouds today. Smell is awful.