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Since the finale aired both parts on the same day, you guys will get both s5 finale parts on Wednesday as well.


Caleb Woods

Oh please don’t go to any extra effort because of my comment on the previous post! It wasn’t about us not getting to watch them on the same day, I was hoping YOU had gotten to watch them back to back! My bad for any misunderstanding there!!!


S5 finale was insane. I can't wait to go on that ride again

Johann Miranda V.

Thanks Mike!!!, that Wednesday is going to be fucking epic!

Professor Kube

Let me guess? Radzinski kept asking for the two parts when he asked you what you know about the Dharma Stations 😂😂😂


Whatever works best for your scheduling Mike.


Oh no! Now you don't have anything for Friday?!?! Aaaahhhhhhh 🤣😜