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Lost 2x12 P.mp4 - Shared with pCloud

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Weird Magic

Originally airing on January 25, 2006, "Fire + Water" is Episode 12 of Season 2 of LOST. It is the 37th episode overall and has an IMDB rating of 7.2, placing it as the #23 ranked episode of this season and #120 out of all 121 episodes.

Daniel Curry

This was indeed a weird one. In my book this was probably my least favorite episode of the entire series. Still Lost though so it’s not horrible. Locke comes off a little hypocritical here. I’ll leave it at that.


This is one of my 3 least favorite episodes of the show. Still, thanks for the reaction :) always great to see your reactions to Lost!!


Definitely my least favourite episode of the entire series, and universally regarded as at least top 3 worst episode of the show. I cringe so hard watching Charlie like this. Poor guy. The rest of S2 is AMAZING tho!


I hate how dismissive Locke was of Charlie this episode. Locke's visions and dreams are held to his own righteous standard, but when it's Charlie experiencing something similar - he just assumes he's taking drugs. We still haven't seen Charlie using or looking drugged up since S1 E7 "The Moth" when he burned the rest of his stash in the fire. It's up for debate if he has actually been using, but I don't think he has. He just needed to have a secret stash just in case everything went to shit and he had nothing more to live for.

Daniel Curry

I think we have pretty similar opinions of Locke, judging by our comments here and elsewhere. Lol


Locke's visions and dreams didn't cause himself to kidnap babies and set the entire camp on fire. If Charlie wasn't so aggressive about his dreams, I doubt Locke would act the way does. But, Charlie does take it too far and Locke puts him in his place. Pretty simple if you ask me.


Charlie does indeed take it too far but he is also hurting and in need of help. Locke is a villain of the show. A person who forces his standards and wants on others without asking for permission. I love Locke, don't get me wrong. He's a fantastic character with so much depth and nuance. To treat him as a hero or protagonist is just downright absurd. Let's remember that he knocked out Sayid for trying to triangulate a signal to the radio tower. Who cares what it said. It was information that needed to be known. He drugged Boone and literally gave him a nightmare vision, all to HELP him. He cared more for getting into the Hatch than protecting the Losties from a perceived threat from the Others. He constantly changes the gun safe combination due to lack of trust but of course... is the one who knows how to access it for himself. There's a lot of future stuff too but that'd be spoilers. Suffice it to say. He is a selfish man of faith who will step over the toes of others if he thinks it's right and to hell if it goes the other way. Jack was right regarding the, "We will have a Locke problem" quote he said to Kate in the season 1 finale. Again I love Locke as a character. I love how Terry O'Quinn plays him. A true powerhouse of an actor. But he is also a villain. A definite villain.