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Utopia 1x3 & 1x4 P.mp4 - Shared with pCloud

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When are the next LOST eps coming? Can’t wait!


Just finished your reaction to Episode 3. About to watch Episode 4, but just wanted to clarify something you missed in Episode 3. You called Wilson a clown after he gave Milner his gun because you thought she already knew his name, but she asked him what his name was after retrieving her bullet and he told her. She did not know beforehand. "This is a movie scene!" -- Ohhhh man, the tension and suspense just skyrocket during that whole scene in Alice's house, especially with the change in music. Even re-watching the show, I'm on the edge of my seat every time when Jessica yells "My name is Jessica Hyde, you know who I am and what I'm capable of!" It's halfway through the season and it's the first time she and Arby come face to face. Although, when he asks her "where is Jessica Hyde?", I first thought that she wasn't the real Jessica Hyde and that she was some sort of imposter or something this whole time. It confused the shit out of me lol, glad to see you didn't fall for that like I did. Your reaction to Michael at the end of Episode 3 was awesome and has me pumped for Episode 4! Now I see why these two were uploaded together lol.


"They're tying what is going on here to real world applications" -- Dude, I won't lie...I immediately thought of Utopia the moment COVID became a global pandemic and vaccines were rushed with little testing lmao. It was just too fucking spooky man! Two things I think you missed in Episode 4: 1) Monroe (the fat guy in the apartment) was suspected of being Mr. Rabbit when Wilson researched Pergus (the massive food company whose logo was in the manuscript) on the smart phone at the lake with Becky. He found that Pergus began expanding worldwide in 1993 once Lane Monroe became the new CEO. Since his name is Lane, they figured he might be Mr. Rabbit (identity starts with an L). This theory was strengthened in the parking garage scene when Milner told Ian that Monroe was involved and in the CIA before he took over Pergus. 2) The name of the guy at the end of Episode 4 is Conrad Letts. His name was never revealed to the viewer until he announced himself at Monroe's door, but it is very easy to miss given the attention focused on Alice at the time. If you don't rewind before your recaps then you've been doing really well on keeping up with everything! It's a lot to digest and so far I think the only major plot point that you missed was that Anya was arrested for the journalist's murder, but you figured that out in this episode. That was first revealed in Episode 2 when Letts turned up the TV's volume on the news report about it and you were like "Damn, what a threat! Doesn't even say anything, just lets the TV make the threat for him" and was shown again in Episode 3 when Michael was on the toilet reading the "Sex Worker Arrested For Journalist's Murder" newspaper article. That is why he finally began defying Jeff/The Network and in Episode 4 Jeff says "Christ, it's the child...I should known." Other than that, I think you've only missed the 3 things I've mentioned in these posts and partially mixed up a few names (Judy instead of Jessica and Ethan instead of Ian -- got too much Ethan Hunt on the brain haha!). Good shit man!