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Come and See (1985) P.mp4 - Shared with pCloud

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This Full Reaction and the Place Beyond the Pines one were both flipped with black lines through the screen. Is that how your Full Reaction videos have to be from now on? Def prefer regular viewing experience, but thought maybe you had to make them that way for a reason.


I did make them this way intentionally but honestly I think I’m just going to leave them full without the lines and flipping. I didn’t want to infringe any copyrights. If the channel gets bigger (250+ patrons) I may have to resort to only recording my reactions and leaving a timer up to properly sync with the movie (which is easy for patrons to link with nowadays) like all the other reactors do. Don’t want to get in any legal trouble. But being a smalltime reactor behind a paywall, it’ll be pretty hard to get in trouble for now at least. Thanks for the feedback too, this is the stuff I want to see asked


What software do you use? I can always download it and just flip it back lol


🤣 🤣 I use Lightworks. I have a cheap $250 pc, it’s the only video editing program my pc can handle. Da Vinci Resolve, Premiere. Vegas, they are all too CPU intensive. I’m saving up for a stronger PC, editing will be 100x easier then!


$250?? Wow. I thought I was outdated. You just not a PC guy/gamer? You gonna go all out? Prices are way up right now :/ prob for another year, too. Terrible time to upgrade, but we gotta do what we gotta do. Vids look great for $250.


Not a pc gamer really, just PS2 and gameboy emulators outside of my Xbox. Yeah I JUST got into PCs in the past year.


I much prefer the PiP format rather than the sync'd-up format. How would I watch my copy and at the same time also watch a reactor on another screen/window? -Especially for those of us watching our own backup copy of the show/film, for example, digital downloads or blue-ray versions. For example, I do have Disney+ and so have access to all the Avengers/Star Wars stuff, but it's on my roku - where I don't have Patreon. How would I sync/watch that on my TV and laptop at the same time? Confused.


I have no idea how people do it either lol never tried it I just know channels with 100k subs and 2000+ patrons use that format and they say the sync up is easy. Like I said earlier though it would be a lonnnnngg time before I even considered doing that. I just don’t think it’s entirely legal to show the entire movie in my reaction. I’ll look more into it but don’t worry about it, it’s not happening even remotely anytime soon, plus I’ll be unflipping the movie and removing the lines as well