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Three wonderful original characters are the subjects of today's commission slot. Really liked to give a face to these well rounded OCs.

Wanna know some information about them? Here comes some background story directly from the commissioner!

Rhenia is the Red Head, Smart and hard working. She worked for the same company as younger brother and decided to do some digging into what was going on behind the scenes. She ended up going way to deep and a attempted assassination on her was tried. She was attacked outside her car with a bomb, she suffered severe dismemberment and internal damage. That’s why her body is more synthetic and cybernetic now then ever. She set up a plan to take get her revenge on now former employee.

Tornerre is the Guy, He is a smart person, but rather enjoy self sometimes more than he should. He got fired for a inside job that went wrong, he actually had no part of. Being the scape goat he got fed up and decided to take Night City head on. That led him to joining with Older sister Rhenia to get back at a Crooked Corpo leader.

And then StirreI, She is the twin to Tornerre and younger sister to Rhenia. She is more the black sheep of family and loves to live life to the fullest. She loves fast cars, guns, sex, and fighting. The fighting leaning on to why she took to bulking up physically. After seeing her sister blown up in front of her, She made it her life goal to see those guilty dead. When her sister returned rebuilt she asked her to join. Without hesitation she agreed and vowed to never leave her family again.




Dang, you gave some niiiice muscle tone to the lady with the short hair. Lil' biceps with a lil' vein in there. Nice work! :3


Whoa these look great! Can't wait for my turn next month :D


The cyberpunk style will never go out of style because it's a super vibrant concept. Thanks for sharing these commissions and character descriptions


Hey those are mine!!! Knocked it out the park, everyone who sees them praises the style, detail, and colors.