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"This is the first work i did on my new work station at my new home! After 8 years of happy collaboration, it's time for my old laptop to retire. You were a good working companion, but it's time to let the new one shine!"

"Italian text below."

"Primo lavoro fatto con la nuova postazione fissa nel nuovo appartamento! Dopo 8 anni di felice collaborazione, è giunto il tempo per il mio vecchio portatile di casa di prendere congedo.

Sei stato un valido compagno, ma ora lascia che il tuo successore si guadagni la giusta gloria."




I like it... she's hot... but I'm getting a slight "'The Exorcist"' vibe from her head...

Sven M.

Great work. And a thank you to your old laptop for helping with your great work^^


Looks great! Congratulations on getting your new work space up and running. Can't wait to see what you and your new setup have in store for us!


Awesome Work 👍👍👍👍😸😀😆🤗😇😎👏 I Ask You Something


Sweet. Did you get a desktop or another laptop?


It's been a long time, getting form there to hear...