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Hi guys, 

i've just uploaded the first picture of June rewards, Kasumi from Dead or Alive Ecchi/Nude on the Mega folder! The other pictures plus the variations will follow in this month!

Here's this month's current Reward situation:

Goal #1 (Reached!) - SFW/Ecchi/Nude Fan Art  -> Kasumi from Dead or Alive 6

Goal #2 (Reached!) -> Adult Fan Art -> Kasumi from Dead or Alive 6

Goal #3 (Reached!) -> Rainbow Six: Siege comics Naughty Ela - Page 1

Goal #4 (To Be Announced!) -> ??????????????????

The guys whom payment goes processed will received in their inbox the link to my Mega folder with the first Kasumi picture, the previous month pictures (like all the Overwatch picture i already made) and some extras like the pdf of "Overbeach" and "Zoey Watch, your ass" comics and lots of my SFW/NSFW wallpapers!

Thanks for your support guys!




Damn, I still don't get the mega link in my email


I have a question : as i'm a patron since the 3rd of July and not before, I can't have the mega link, or is it just a mistake ?


Thank you!!!


Unfortunately Patreon charge patrons on first of each month, so yes. No link for the reward published month. You can partecipate on this month character poll (if you pledge 10 $) or choose to received the rewards next month(if you pledge at least 5 $). Thanks!


So the people who pledged 5$ this month after the first will get access to mega and this months rewards on the first of the next month? Or will we miss this months rewards overall?


If you are pledge this month you'll received the link on August, with the stuff that will comes out from the poll of this month. Since Patreon charge patrons on the first of each month, if you pledge after 1th july you miss the chance to get the link of this month, but don't worry. Inside the mega folders you'll find the archive with all the already published stuff!


Wow!!! Holy $#!+!!! I just finished reading the whole comic of Zoey Watch Your Ass.... and DAMN!!!! That was wild!!!! There is SOOO much going on in every panel I feel like I need to print it out in 24 inch sheets to see everything!!! That shows you got some serious time in it development!!! Well done sir!!!