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Kawakami from Persoan 5! I don’t think I last drew this babe almost 2 years ago… long overdue Kawakami lol. I know when she’s in her maid outfit in the game she has pigtails, but I kinda hate them so I went with her normal hair style. Idk I don’t care for how they drew her pogtails in game. Anyway another babe for the Persona 5 maid series, only a few left and maybe 1 more this month and I’m thinking it’s Haru or Ann next, so stay tuned!
oh and there will be variants for Kawakami and Tae, hopefully soon. Thanks for being patient as always!




Ooh Kawakami looks so good hear! Her eyes read as curious/inquisitive to me. I agree about the pigtails too. I’m backing Ann for the next P5 maid!


Loving the poof on her hair hehe, and never get tired of seeing this maid fit~