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Jack-O won!
so excited I finally get to draw this cutie, so tier 2/3 give some ideas!

suggest pobindings/gags 

tier 3 suggest outfits you would like to see her in ~



Having her tied up in the Jack-O pose would be very fitting of course lol Would love to see her in a white bunny suit too

Jessie Lockhart

Jack-o pose is likely to be suggested (sees comment above), but I have a different idea based on her animations: She has a win pose where she’s hanging upside down from her familiar and swings back and forth. Seems like a perfect pose for a nicely secured damsel. ;) https://fightersgeneration.com/nf7/char/jacko-guiltygear-xrd-pendulum.gif As for bonds/gag, perhaps some head harness muzzle gag based on her mask and some leather straps securing her, possibly functioning like a straight jacket which is what the arms of her outfit seem to suggest. As for outfits, I think her default attire works just fine, but perhaps a cute bathing suit to get ready for summer coming up or some lingerie.


Yeah I think leather straps are a good fit for a Jack-O' pic since, well, they're already on her. Between that, the skintight spandex and the ball and chain, girl is a walking DID pic.