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synopsis: character a saves character b from an awkward situation 
note: originally, this was going to be the iconic "are they bothering you" trope but N was just too nice for it. so it's a mixture of things. set before the first book, at a time when Blane and N are newer to the agency

IAOS knew how to host a party, N will give them that. It makes them wonder why the budget was spent on extravagant cakes that look like they could be used in a wedding, when it could be used to update the technology in the lab, but whatever.

(You didn't hear that from them).

Unfortunately, the thing with these events was that N never knew where to be. They hopped from group to group, mingling with coworkers from other departments and asking how things were. They checked up on Blane, who'd situated themself in the corner at the beginning of the party and hasn't moved since. They made rounds at the food table, helped restring some of the garland that was falling off and whacking people in the face, offered to refill the punch bowl—anything and everything.

Fallon asked them why they felt the need to do so much. It was a party that celebrated them too. Why were they not enjoying themself?

The truth was that this was N's version of that.

They're not someone who constantly has to keep themself busy like [A], but events like this spiked their anxiety. If they stayed in one place too long, they'd be trapped. Better to keep moving around, better to play hopscotch with the conversation circles than be caught in a situation where there's no escape.

Besides, they felt better when they got to greet multiple people. It's been a while since they've had time to properly talk to some of their coworkers—N wanted to say hi to them all.

Of course, there was one person that they wanted to see most, but with the craziness of the night, N hasn't had the chance to talk to you yet.

Emphasis on yet.

"[They're] alone," Blane comments.

"Hmm?" N asks.

"[Surname]? [They're] alone right now. If you wanted to talk to [them], now's your chance."

"I don't—" Blane shoots N a look, cutting them off. They clear their throat, ignoring the heat rising to their cheeks. "Fine. Maybe I do. I just don't want to look like I'm signalling [them] out."

Blane doesn't reply for a moment, watching something in the distance. N busies themself with picking at a crumb on the table. The sounds of the party are getting louder. They wonder how long it'll run for. The silence spans a minute before Blane speaks again.

"Looks like you got your wish."

N turns. Whereas you were alone before, you're now accompanied by someone new. An intern, if N recalls correctly. Alexander. He was brought in for inquiries before being transferred to the ambassadors after IAOS discovered his charm. Those were only rumours, of course, but from the look on your face, it seems to be true.

"Blane, really—"



"No. I'm kicking you out. Go talk to [Surname] or don't—I don't care. I'm not letting you sulk at my table any longer."

N hasn't known Blane for that long, but they know enough to figure out that this is Blane's way of showing encouragement. Granted, it's a bit of a roundabout way to do it, but they can't say it doesn't work. Sighing, N gets up and heads in your direction, completely ignoring the slight quirk of Blane's lips.

In the short time that they've gathered up the courage to approach you, however, something seems to have changed. What looked like smooth talking has now turned into flirting, and, judging by the look on your face, you're not having it. N watches you wrinkle your nose as you lean away, trying to create space for yourself.

Their pace quickens. The world focuses just on you.

"Hey," N greets. They slide into the conversation easily, cutting off whatever Alexander was talking about. You flash N a grateful smile, the complete opposite of the dirty look Alexander gives them. "I haven't seen you all night, [Name]. Is this where you've been hiding?"

You let out a short laugh. "I thought you were the one hiding. I've been here the whole time."

N grins, relishing in the thought that they made you laugh. They turn to Alexander. If jealousy was a person, N is sure Alexander would be the top-running candidate. "Alexander, right? I think you're new. How are you liking IAOS so far?"

"Fine. Better than I thought," Alexander answers. His smile comes out like a grimace. "I think I'm going to grab another drink. It was nice talking to you, [Name]."

"You too."

You and N watch as Alexander recedes into the background. After a moment, the two of you burst into laughter.

"Oh my God, I thought he'd never leave me alone. He was nice at first, until I realized the only reason he came up to me was because he wanted to flirt." You clear your throat and straighten in your seat. "Are you from Tennessee? 'Cus you're the only ten I see."

"He said that?"

You smirk. "Tried to."

N laughs again and takes a seat. They end up staying there for the rest of the night. A flurry of people come in and out, including [A], your partner, but they're the only one who remains constant. Alexander doesn't try to flirt with you again, but N can feel the glare boring into the back of their head throughout the night.

They don't really care. After all, you'd much rather speak to them.



Super cute! I loved this!