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january 1st-7th.

before i start, let me say this: ignore the word count, i'm still getting into the groove of things (clearly). 

i left a lot of unfinished things in december and told myself 'that's a problem for future Kristi.' well, it's the future now and current me is facepalming over the mess i made of my document. all the blank bits i left empty now need to be filled, which is what i've been focusing on lately—i don't want too get ahead of myself again. i've said before that this is tedious work, but because i'm currently in the midst of it, i will take the chance to say it again: it's tedious. it's tiring and it's repetitive and far from my favourite thing to do (though editing still takes the top spot for my most hated aspect of writing). not that it can't be enjoyable, but in a novel, one question leads to one answer. in interactive fiction, that answer could be one of five and you have to write all of them. i'm hoping to power through all my unfinished work this week and then get into the new stuff. when i do, you'll finally stop hearing about the same thing over and over again (apologies for that). 

on another note, i've begun finalizing what's happening for the anniversary special. i should probably start that soon (the sooner it's finished, the less stressed i'll be), but i'll worry about that next week (future me i hope you're ready). for now, i'm just getting an idea of the exact contents of what i'm writing. in the least elegant way possible, the special will showcase what the ros heads think of the hunter. since this is such a broad topic, i've narrowed it down to three timestamps: first impressions, current thoughts and post-friendship/post-relationship thoughts. these will be canon stories and match up with the events of the books. it'll reference book one in most detail and tease vague possibilities for the latter two, since i'm not set on what those will look like yet. i'm limiting myself to 2000 words for each ro, but knowing me, i'll accidentally go over and give myself a lot of trouble editing. regardless, it'll be more content, so it's not like everyone will complain haha.

hopefully next week i'll have a more exciting update. i feel like i've been doing a lot of apologizing for the past month so i thank you all for your patience while i get my shit together. as always, i hope you're all well <3


479,865 words (+1023)

sneak peek.

Blane stays silent, letting me decide for myself. But I'd already come to a conclusion before we even had this conversation.



1000 is still impressive. Even baby steps (if you can call it that) are still progress towards the finish line.


Being willing to sit down and work on the tedious stuff is always super impressive!! You're doing awesome work Kristi you got this! 👏 :D