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november 27th-december 3rd.

slightly longer update this week because i actually have things to say this time haha. assignments and exams are still kicking my ass but i'm slowly working through them, so i've found some time to work on when twilight strikes. it's still not as much as i do usually, but i'm still happy i even got some words down. a win is a win.

before i start rambling, i realized that i've revealed little to nothing about this chapter, so i'll give some more context. (just because i'm nice). right now, the chapter opens to two branches: one with Blane and the other with K and Rylan. the second half is still undecided, but i'll tackle that task when the time comes. at the rate i'm writing, it'll be a while. as i've said in a previous update, these scenes are less about developing relationships and more focused on moving the plot forward. me being me, however, i can't not throw in some little tidbits. it's been super fun referencing various scenes the hunter shared with Blane, for example (chapters eight and ten are the first to come to mind). additionally, as the romance lock is on the horizon, i've also been dropping more blunt comments about romance (depending on whether you have points with the character). the hunter straight-up noting that Blane is attractive is so... fskjkfskfkskfk. i can't describe it any other way.

because i'm talking about supernaturals, it would make sense that i would pick the supernaturals ros. that's the only reason [A] and N aren't options for this opening scene. Blane hasn't talked much about their Fae background, but K and Rylan have brought it up often. K's being a warlock is a huge reason why they despise IAOS so much; Rylan's entire arc is based on their being framed (as they claim) for murder and their bounty. Blane's has mostly appeared in their fight with [A] over the Dark Fae, but if you choose their branch, you'll get a much closer look at why they were so upset. it's another layer to their character that i've been itching to explore for a while now and one that i'm super excited for.

of course, i'm excited for K's and Rylan's as well, but i haven't written much for their scene yet so i'll talk about that when the time comes. for now, the focus is on Blane and Blane only. a bit of a change from the usual with me jumping from scene to scene, but i think the singular focus will be good for me. especially now, i kind of need a grounding point.

as always, hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves. thank you endlessly for all your support and love <3


476,219 words (+1773)

sneak peek.

[Blane's] forehead is creased with harsh lines but their lips are tugged into a soft frown.



Ooooooooo I'm super excited for that K and Blane lore 👀👀👀 (Not to say I'm not about Rylan!! 😅🤣) Good luck with the rest of your exams and assignmets Kristi, you got this!!! 👍👍 :D


I’m super stoked for more Blane content, always! Good luck on finals, may the gods be in your favor!