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not really an update but i wanted to pop by and let you all know what's going on. i'm currently piled with assignments and with exams coming up, i've been taking a step back from when twilight strikes to focus on school. that being said, i opened the document once this entire week so there's not much to update on. i expect this to be the same for next week, but if anything changes, i'll post a proper progress report to talk about it.

a sneak peek will be coming later this week, as well as possibly another trope drabble. i usually publish these in alternating weeks but i figured with the lack of update, it is the least i can do. no promises though, but that's the goal.

hope you're all doing well <3



Best of luck with your assignments and exams! Break a leg!


Good luck with exams Kristi!!! Crush them and those assignments!! :D