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synopsis: the gang plays Mario Kart. things end how you'd imagine.
note: wrapping up the ro&ro fics with a little group drabble. poll will be up sometime later to start writing ro x hunter fics again, including an option for requests <3

"Devereux," Blane growls, "I will choke you in your sleep."



"Oops, my finger slipped."

The group watches in horror as [A] lets the blue shell loose, effectively knocking Blane from first place to tenth right before they reach the finish line. Blane sets their controller down with a blank expression, turning their head to face the culprit. [A], for their part, has the sense to look guilty.

"I said oops?"

Blane looks ready to throttle them.

[N] pounces on Blane's controller before they can do so, skillfully blocking their path to [A]. "Let me have another go at it. I got knocked out of the tournament too early."

Rylan snorts. "That's because you suck."

"Radar was howling in the other room!"


Now it's [K]'s turn to snort. They haven't partaken in the Mario Kart tournament but have graciously lent their TV and penthouse for the occasion. From time to time, they'll get up and check on the cookies that are baking in the oven, but for the most part, they've stayed planted on the couch.

I, on the other hand, won the first tournament, lost the second and was promptly kicked out of the third because it was "a battle between [A] and Blane only, to settle their score."

Secretly, I think [A] really just wanted to see the look on Blane's face if they blue-shelled them. As it turns out, it wasn't very expressive. Just like [A] wanted to rile Blane up, I'm sure Blane wanted to rile [A] up by not showing their emotions. Meaning we'll probably have another Mario Kart tournament in the near future until one of them breaks.

The thought tires me out (affectionately).

"Is he better now?" [K] asks.


"Your puppy."

[N]'s eyes brighten. "Yeah. Thanks for letting me use your spare bedroom. He's in a bit of a weird mood, I think. Last I checked, he's sleeping it off. I'll probably have to go after he wakes up. He'll want to go for a walk." They grimace. "An extra long one."

"I can walk him if you want to stay," Rylan offers.

"And buy him treats on the way home again? No thanks."

Rylan gawks. "That was one time!"

"One time too many."

"Went off my credit card too," [K] grumbles.

[A] laughs at that, flipping back to the home screen to start a new round. Blane, successfully distracted by [N], gets up after relinquishing their controller, heading to the kitchen to fill up their water. They don't do so before sending [A] a death stare, of course, but my partner merely sticks out their tongue.

[A] holds out their controller. "Want another go, [name]?"

I shake my head. "Maybe after."

"Okay." [A]'s heaves a fake sigh. "You know, I wish we had more controllers. It isn't like someone here doesn't have a very expensive car we can use to go to a very cheap department store and buy moderately priced controllers… And an unlimited budget…"

"Shit, you're right," Rylan says. They snap their fingers. "Thanks for offering, Blondie."

"Very funny."

"I'm already lending you my penthouse and kitchen ingredients," [K] answers, clicking their tongue. They move over slightly as Blane comes back, giving the other half of the couch up. "You want more controllers so bad? Use that IAOS paycheque of yours."

"They spent it all on overpriced coffee," Blane mutters.

[A] groans, selecting Rosalina for the round and flops backwards. "Not my fault New York is so expensive! And not my fault that I support locally owned cafes who charge, like, a thousand dollars for their drinks."

"A thousand," I deadpan.

"A thousand!" [A] exclaims, throwing their hands up. Rylan narrowly moves their legs in time to avoid being hit, watching with an amused smile.

"As I said, IAOS paycheque," [K] says.

[A] groans again, leaving [N] to choose the course. They're nicer than most of the group, leaving it up to random selection rather than choosing tracks they're good at. Rainbow Road is the last one in the tournament, making [N] grin and [A] groan for a third time.

The last one is ten times louder and longer than the others.

"Karma," Blane says, sipping their water. "Kick their ass for me, [N]."

"Will do."

Rylan turns to me. "Want to make bets?"

I arch an eyebrow. "On what, exactly?"

"An extra one of [K]'s cookies?"

I mull it over. [K] watches out of the corner of their eye, having caught interest after hearing their name. Their cookies are a godsend, truly—even a non-cookie lover like Blane admitted it. Losing would be devastating, but winning… Plus the bonus of seeing Rylan's face as I eat their share? Priceless.


Four games later (including a screaming match during Rainbow Road between [A] and Blane), I hold Rylan's cookie in my hand. They watch mournfully as I take a bit, pouting as [K] snickers beside them. They're not much into sweets, but I can tell they're purposely denying Rylan their share in solidarity with my win.

[A] and Blane are playing another round, their yelling now background noise. [N] sits behind them, shouting encouragements and choking on laughter but trying to hide it when [A] shoves Blane, causing their character to fall off the tracks.

Later, [K] will drive us to Target to buy extra controllers. They'll complain the whole way there, but smile at the chorus of "thank you!" that follows. Later, we'll have several more tournaments, trying to settle who's the best player between the six of us.

But for now, we're here, in [K]'s penthouse on a random Sunday, enjoying good food and each other's company.



Holy shit I love them all so so much