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i know i usually do my updates on monday, but i'll be honest: i pretty much just slept all day. at the risk of typing out something completely incoherent, i decided that a tuesday (though still late) update would likely be better. hence, this. i'm still very much scatterbrained from my exams, so bear with me.

in many ways, i'm still at the same place i was last week. still working on A's and N's branch, still chipping away at the final scene for the chapter and thinking about different variations for it. i am, however, closer than i was before. for one, i have the entirety of A's and N's branch laid out—all that's left is for me to fill it in. sometimes, this is the hardest part: writing the words themselves. ironic considering this is an interactive novel, but if things don't work the way you want, simple tasks like these can be impossible. writer's block is truly a curse. it's why i wanted to have another project on the back burner to switch between, but it seems my brain cannot multitask like that. i can write multiple branches at one time, but only if they're in the same universe, it seems. limitations. 

i previously stated that i want A's and N's branch to be more focused on N and so far, i've done exactly that. there are still chances to interact with A of course (what kind of author would i be if you didn't get to address them at all) but since the conversation is mostly about the situation with Blane, N takes up a focal point. i'm very aware of how often N's conversations center around Blane and am trying to stray away from this narrative, but in this case, there's not much of a choice. N's arc focuses a lot on how they feel dependent on Blane and invisible in their shadow. much of their constant mentioning of Blane attributes to this, but a variety of topics is necessary. that's what makes them "human," i suppose. as much as they adore Blane, N also resents their constant association to them. considering this, it'd be silly for them to talk about their partner all the time. my only hope is that i can incorporate more conversations in the future to refect this. 


395,408 words (+2891)


"It's not like I don't understand. My relationship with my parents—" [N] cuts themself off, clearing their throat.


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