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initially, the 'stay in the vip room' option was going to be a little different. it was going to feature the hunter and the chosen ro lingering in Mirai's room to look for clues, including a scene where the hunter gets to sit on her 'throne.' after looking around for a while, i had the hunter and the ro, in this case Blane, sit down and have a heartfelt conversation. 

like most scenes i scrap, this was a result of writer's block and i got rid of it because i wasn't liking the flow. i also didn't think this fit the intensity of Mirai's interrogation in the scene prior. a cool down was necessary, i agreed, but i thought it was a bit odd that the characters would sit down and have a conversation there, of all places. maybe save it for later.



Skippy Hugo

My thought process would be regaining control after the event, although I agree that the throne feels off as the place for a quick debrief.