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what did i do you ask? great question. i think i spent more time daydreaming about when twilight strikes than actually writing it, which, i've come to learn happens a lot. if only i had a function where the dialogue i recite in my brain would translate to my word document. alas, that doesn't exist. 

so, in terms of what i actually wrote down, i only have two scenes of this chapter left. granted, they're very big scenes (like, it'll take me weeks to write these big), but i'm one step closer to having this finished. my word document says this chapter is only thirty-three thousand words long. considering how long i've been stuck on it, it feels like much more. still, there're twenty thousand words you have yet to see and even more on the way, so when put like that, it doesn't sound so bad.

for this week, i mainly focused on one scene: the aftermath of the (horrible) meeting at K's penthouse. aside from the hunter, the only character present in this scene is [A], which is why they're featured in the sneak peek for a second week in a row. it's because i don't have any other options, not because i favour them or anything i swear. i spent a lot of time focusing on flavour text for those of you on the 'forced to say yes' route, as i have named it in my variables, or the 'didn't agree to accept Rylan's offer but was forced into it by [A]' route. the latter is just a tad bit too long. it came to my attention recently that some interactions between [A] and the hunter make little sense if they're in a fight, so i hope that this is more realistic. on that note, i also went back and added some flavour text in chapters eight and nine regarding this, so for anyone on this branch, i hope it reads more accurately.

for next week, i'll either be starting the final scene or jumping back to [A]'s and N's route. chances are i'll write a little bit for both. i'm craving a bit of a change from [A]'s character right now, so i'll see what i can do. the perk of them being the hunter's partner is that i get to write them whenever i want. the downside? i sometimes think i write about them too much. sometimes i worry if they're featured too often that you'll get sick of them, but that's just the nature of the story. at least for book one, it can't be helped. 


387,930 words (+2627)


[A] stills, glancing over at me. A faint pink has risen to their cheeks and the tips of their ears. Over the years, I've come to learn that they don't blush easily. Even in the coldest and hottest temperatures, I would never say their cheeks are rosy.


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