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a bit of a late update this week—i apologize. in all honesty, i've been obsessed with playing hollow knight recently and have done little of everything else. homework be damned.

in terms of chapter nine, things are... going. what is there to say other than i'm still writing it, really? as i've mentioned, i've been focusing on the scenes after the three branches rather than finishing the third branch itself. sorry to [A] and N, but i'm really not in the mood to write their scene after writing two variations of it already. a bad idea? perhaps. but i'd rather go back and add references rather than push through something and create a product i'm unhappy with.

like most of my story, i've been spontaneously writing the latter half of chapter nine. i certainly have a plan, but up until a few days ago, it was quite... linear. almost repetitive, if i want to be harsh. i said before that chapter nine will revisit scenes that were in earlier chapters, which created the problem of making sure they, though sharing the same characteristics, maintained their individuality. i really can't say much without giving the entire scene away, but (while i was brushing my teeth) i had a bit of a eureka moment and figured out how to do exactly that. i still have some scenes in between where i'm at now and when this new plot point will kick in, but i'm super excited to write it. i'll be fun, i think. what i love about writing is how fluid and malleable it is. i've changed dozens of things from my original plan of when twilight strikes but each one has (i hope, at least) made my story that much better.

before i end, i want to add a quick note that i've also managed to add some romance choices in the latter half of the chapter which i'm super pleased about. i was initially thinking i wouldn't be able to have any at all, which is fine, but with the romance lock slowly getting closer, i definitely want to create as many opportunities as possible for you to connect with your chosen ro (if you plan on romancing someone). some very fun things happening :)


385,303 words (+3278)


"I think it's healthier to think that than to spiral into a rabbit hole."
"I think a lot of things are," [A] answers. The response is automatic.


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