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edit: apparently i can't change the prices of my tiers while people are subscribed to it haha so i'll be keeping the tier prices as is. the only change now is the number of days of early access you receive. sorry for the confusion !

i just wanted to clarify a few things about my tiers and lay out (approximately) what i'll be putting out each month. things are subject to change and this isn't set in stone, but this is generally what you'll be getting with your pledge:

DUSK tier
  • 4 weekly updates /month (generally posted on sunday or monday)
  • 4 weekly updates /month (generally posted on sunday or monday)
  • access to 2-3 sneak peeks /month
  • 3 day early access to new chapters & shorts content [changed from 5 days]
  • 4 weekly updates /month (generally posted on sunday or monday)
  • access to 2-3 sneak peeks /month
  • access to 1-2 deleted scenes /month
  • access to 2-3 drabbles /month (usually about 700-1000 words)
  • 5 day early access to new chapters & shorts content [changed from 7 days]

to explain the early access change, it's mainly to give me more time to work on things. i found myself pressed for time when uploading the last two chapters so giving myself two extra days between announcing a new update before posting it here will do me wonders (and also give me more time to look things over, since my last two early access updates were kind of rough edit wise). so, in the future, things will likely look like:

  • announce new chapter on tumblr/itch.io
  • release update for midnight tier 2 days later
  • release update for twilight tier 2 days after that
  • public release after 3 more days

(total timeline: 7 days)

two-year anniversary.

as some of you may know, the anniversary for when twilight strikes (not the actual posting of the game, but the announcement of the game; a weird anniversary to celebrate, i know but stay with me here). i haven't been able to write any new content for the event so instead, i will be releasing the first bit of chapter nine !! i know it's been a long wait for this chapter and while i'm not done, i'm finally finding my footing and am so excited to unveil it further.

an official announcement for this "anniversary preview" will go up on the 17th, with the midnight tier getting access on the 19th and the twilight tier receiving it on the 21st. for now, i'm keeping it on the down low. i'm making this post public to be transparent to anyone who may sign up between now and friday, but am keeping my mouth shut otherwise. see you soon !!<33


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