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hope everyone is doing well! for my part, i've been feeling relatively better since last week which is a relief, to say the least. i know my word counts have been smaller than my updates last year, but i'm glad that i was able to write a little more this time around. 

like last week, i'm still chipping away at Blane's branch. surprise surprise. it's taken me a lot longer than i thought, but i think the scene will be worth it overall. i've managed to incorporate both character development for Blane and plot development in it, so regardless of whether you choose this route, it'll be worth something to the story. this branch has Blane at a very vulnerable point—the most vulnerable you've seen yet (and will see for at least a couple more chapters). i think that's what makes writing it so fun. i often get in their head for drabbles and, of course, i know their backstory for the sake of foreshadowing and things, but i've yet to reach this point in the actual game. all will be revealed in due time. and while i desperately want to write Blane's pov for this scene, it'll give too much away. maybe i'll write it as a drabble and post it here one day.

my goal for this week is to finish Blane's branch and move onto my second one. which one, exactly? i haven't decided yet, but i'm leaning toward writing the one with K and Rylan, just for a change of pace. A and N's branch connects a lot to Blane's, so it'll be nice to switch things up. i'm eager to get back to the bickering duo—even more so because i have plans for a more serious Rylan in this scene. for all their joking, writing their more sober side can be really fun.

if you can't tell, this chapter is a bit of a different tone. i'm hoping to shift the mood after the ending events of chapter eight. it was all fun and games before—now things are becoming troubling. 


370,816 words (+3227)


Blane's eyes bore into mine. Emerald green eyes that have long lost their sheen. Are they worth less now? Or is it simply a matter of polishing the gem and restoring it back to what it used to be?


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