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this is going to be a shorter update. i've taken a bit of a break for myself this week and tried not to strain myself by writing, hence the minimal posts on here as well. apparently resting actually works, who would've thought? though i only wrote when i felt like it this week, which resulted in less progress, i'm a lot happier with the content i wrote.

i'm nearing the end of the debrief scene, which i've talked about for three weeks now, i know. it's been a little difficult finding places to add choices in this sequence since it's mostly just the ros talking about what they found and what they think of the information, but i think it's been well-balanced up until now. i'm confident i can finish this scene this week and then finally, finally move on to the hurt/comfort scenes. i will be going on vacation for a couple of days, however, so i'm not sure what time i'll get to write other than on the flight there and back, but i'll try my very hardest. scenes like these are a lot more exciting for me to write, so they tend to not be as much of a burden. i love romance and pining as much as the next gal.

in terms of patreon updates, i know i've been slacking a little so i'm going to try and get another drabble and sneak peek up this week. thank you for being patient with me in the meantime <3


302,094 words (+2.45k)


"I learned that being stabbed hurts," A mutters.
Rylan cracks a smile at that.


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