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i won't lie, i've had a pretty bad mental health week. with writer's block and a lack of motivation to do anything but stay in bed, i didn't write as much as planned.

i'm currently still hacking away at the discussion/aftermath scene where everyone discusses what they learned from the club. not much to update there as it's pretty self-explanatory, but i am liking the direction it's going. to keep things vague with the plot, i'm trying not to imply that one choice is correct above all the others and allowing you to choose whether you agree with the suggestions given out. some ros believe one thing while others think something else—you'll have the chance to side with an ro you agree with or form an opinion that is neither. basically, you're going to be doing a lot of debunking this chapter.

i still have yet to get to the hurt/comfort scenes i've been teasing, but again, i'm really looking forward to them. i adore the idea of each ro having their own personal reaction to the situation. it spices things up for both me and you, since i won't have to write the same thing over and over again while you will have the opportunity to read something new for each route.

lastly, i recently got an ask about if the hunter will get the chance to talk to A about their disagreement (if the hunter was forced into going along with the plan) and the answer is yes, you will. this also applies if you chose A to go to the club with the hunter and they had a fight outside. just wanted to clarify that for anyone who's wondering, since the ask is now buried deep in my ask box and i have no idea when i'll get to it haha.


299,640 words (+3.22k)


"Now, someone who speaks my language," Rylan cheers. "Pessimism will make you all age a thousand years. You should really listen to your partner, Rekner. Try looking on the bright side for once."
Blane shuts their eyes, looking pained.


Anni (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-22 12:00:14 i am sorry to hear that you have had a bad mental health week D: i hope you are feeling a bit better soon <3 also, i just want to say that, i do enjoy these updates, but please, if you feel like you have to take a break from posting anything for the sake of your own mental health; please don’t be afraid to do so !! same goes for any progress writing wise. you are a human too and you deserve to be treated as such, which means understanding that sometimes life and mental health gets in the way and that’s okay! there can be weeks with a lot of progress, little and even none. when twilight strikes is more of a gift than anything else and i am already super thankful for everything and anything that you do/have done c:
2022-07-10 22:59:13 i am sorry to hear that you have had a bad mental health week D: i hope you are feeling a bit better soon <3 also, i just want to say that, i do enjoy these updates, but please, if you feel like you have to take a break from posting anything for the sake of your own mental health; please don’t be afraid to do so !! same goes for any progress writing wise. you are a human too and you deserve to be treated as such, which means understanding that sometimes life and mental health gets in the way and that’s okay! there can be weeks with a lot of progress, little and even none. when twilight strikes is more of a gift than anything else and i am already super thankful for everything and anything that you do/have done c:

i am sorry to hear that you have had a bad mental health week D: i hope you are feeling a bit better soon <3 also, i just want to say that, i do enjoy these updates, but please, if you feel like you have to take a break from posting anything for the sake of your own mental health; please don’t be afraid to do so !! same goes for any progress writing wise. you are a human too and you deserve to be treated as such, which means understanding that sometimes life and mental health gets in the way and that’s okay! there can be weeks with a lot of progress, little and even none. when twilight strikes is more of a gift than anything else and i am already super thankful for everything and anything that you do/have done c:

evertidings (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-22 12:00:14 thank you. i appreciate this more than you know &lt;3
2022-07-12 15:37:08 thank you. i appreciate this more than you know <3

thank you. i appreciate this more than you know <3