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if i'm honest with myself, i didn't do much this week. if i was more motivated and not in this rut that i'm currently in, i'd probably be able to finish chapter eight by mid-july. alas, the world seems to be against me. 

i'm currently still chipping away at the early scenes in the chapter. just to keep me on my toes, i'm working on two branches at once: the one where the hunter gets hurt and then the one where the ro gets hurt. theoretically, they both talk about the same things and i do eventually hope to merge them (simply to save me from writing two whole different things), but the initial part where the injured person wakes up makes it hard for me to not write two different scenes. for example, if the hunter got hurt, then they'd wake up disoriented with the chance to ask what happened and where they are. on the other hand, if the ro got hurt, then you have the chance to jump up in relief or tease them about how long they were out. little things like that.

two branches is nothing compared to what i'll need to tackle next though. chapter seven has soo many variations that affect chapter eight, it's kind of crazy. most of it wasn't even supposed to happen (my initial plan never involved the hunter sacrificing themself, nor having the option to be choked or held at knife-point). i always encourage people to have multiple playthroughs, but i think it's especially important in this chapter. right now, there are 4 main variations. 

  • 1. the hunter gets injured (stabbing)
  • 2. the hunter gets injured (sacrifice + stabbing)
  • 3. the hunter gets injured (neck wound; knife or choking)
  • 4. the ro gets injured

and that's not even factoring in the different ros, including how each one will react and their feelings on the matter (especially if the hunter jumped in front to sacrifice themself). i guess what i'm trying to say is this will be a very juicy chapter, but a really annoying one to write and code. the hurt/comfort that i'll be writing in the future though... ohh. so excited.


285,836 words (+3.12k)


"How'd you sleep, Sleeping Beauty?" I tease, the side of my mouth tilting upwards.
"Nothing close to a princess," A groans. They feel around for a nearby pillow and press it over their face. A muffled sound of frustration filters through the fabric.


Anni (edited)

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2023-07-22 12:01:00 take all the time you need ! with the quality writing we receive like yours, it’s worth any kind of waiting in my opinion <3 also i can’t imagine myself how difficult it must be to keep track of all the variables and write them accordingly as the story progresses. i’m super excited to see what comes next but no pressure to make huge progresses every week; you are human too !! <3
2022-06-12 04:41:59 take all the time you need ! with the quality writing we receive like yours, it’s worth any kind of waiting in my opinion <3 also i can’t imagine myself how difficult it must be to keep track of all the variables and write them accordingly as the story progresses. i’m super excited to see what comes next but no pressure to make huge progresses every week; you are human too !! <3

take all the time you need ! with the quality writing we receive like yours, it’s worth any kind of waiting in my opinion <3 also i can’t imagine myself how difficult it must be to keep track of all the variables and write them accordingly as the story progresses. i’m super excited to see what comes next but no pressure to make huge progresses every week; you are human too !! <3


I appreciate all the thought and love you are putting into your project! Please take all the time you need and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next :DD

evertidings (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-22 12:01:02 thank you so much. i know this in my head but i still need these reminders very so often &lt;3
2022-06-13 13:57:05 thank you so much. i know this in my head but i still need these reminders very so often <3

thank you so much. i know this in my head but i still need these reminders very so often <3