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chapter seven is up for most of you on patreon and i couldn't be more excited. i'm still having beta-testers test out some last kinks for the public update but most of them are minor, so anyone playing now should have no problem.

with that out of the way, i've begun working on chapter eight. not enough that i can say i've made a lot of progress, but it's going. i'm not sure how long this chapter will be but looking at the variations so far... oof. it's going to be a lot. what sucks is there will be a lot of scenes many readers won't read depending on choices and routes, but that's what happens when you write an interactive story; there's not much i can do. i'm hoping i won't take as long as i did to write chapter seven as i will chapter eight. with me on summer break and the occasional day off from work, i should find more time to write than during the school year.

i can't say much about chapter eight yet, but it picks up immediately after the events of chapter seven. i wouldn't say it's low steaks, but it definitely comes down from the high of chapter seven and tries to nullify what happened. this chapter is much more lowkey, which, after two back-to-back chapters of action, is kind of needed. i have a vague idea of the direction it needs to go, but we'll see if it ends up happening. as usual with me, i never really stick to the plan. sometimes it turns out well and sometimes it ends up in my scrap document. if i have the motivation this week, i might try and loosely outline the chapter.


280,382 words (+1.79k)


Faces turn into shapes and words turn into an unfamiliar language as the world begins to spin. Hands help pull them up and into one of the cars, but they can't recall whose.


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