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— darkness has crept into the cracks of the world for centuries, but it’s never spoken. until now.

it was a mistake how this world came to be.

in the west, a realm is controlled by death. a queen rules with an iron-fist, seeing no mercy as she curls her fingers and crushes a person’s once beating heart in a matter of seconds. every drop of blood spilled is the strengthening of existing power, the first kill an awakening of magic that shouldn’t exist.

in the east lies another, a realm overseen by life. killing has been outlawed here, the ruler strict but not unkind. for those who dare to break the rules, every kill adds an extra year of life onto the murderer’s lifespan, a soft boundary of vulnerability cushioning the fall.

aside from brief decennial meetings, the two kingdoms have not spoken to each other in nearly two centuries, for in-between the realms lies an abyss—a third realm, one that survives in the shadows.

it is unknown what lives in there, but it’s dangerous enough that most don’t dare cross the border.

you’re one of the few who do.

living a double life, you make a living smuggling items into opposite sides, selling and trading illegal items to keep yourself afloat. when you’re caught by the queen, you’re expecting a death sentence. instead, she gives you an ultimatum: steal her a coveted item and she’ll let you live. fail, and you die.

it should be simple enough, but there’s only one problem: what the queen is looking for doesn’t exist.

  • play as male, female, nonbinary; straight, gay, lesbian, bi/pansexual, gray/demi/asexual, aromantic + have the chance to set your own pronouns
  • race to save your own life by finding a mythical item and uncover some secrets along the way, including those which have been buried and blacked out from the history books
  • choose which realm you were born in, including what power you were gifted with (depending)
  • decide what kind of thief you are and where your morals lie in a world that has no kindness
  • meet some unsavoury creatures in the abyss, including one that may even follow you home…
  • romance one of (six) five characters, including an additional polyamorous route between kahlys and val, or none at all
  • note: cerise is rated 18+ for graphic depictions of violence


there isn’t anyone that doesn’t know who kahlys is. stolen by the queen as a child and gifted with a unique power of mental manipulation, he serves as her messenger of death, doling out punishment to those who have wronged her. he’s been taught sympathy is weakness, which explains his closed off attitude and stoic personality, but still, that flicker of life behind his eyes every so often makes you wonder if some part of him is fighting for life somewhere deep inside.

SERPENTE, THE THIEF. [they/them]

their real name is unknown, but you’ve always known them as serpente—as do their enemies. your paths cross often, for they are one of the only other people who dare to trek across the abyss. despite having the occasional knife at your throat during these encounters, you know them better than most; whether or not that’s a good thing is yet to be seen. but it’s only because of it do you wonder if their deadpan smiles, sarcastic drawls and aloof attitude are simply cover-ups for something else.


it is often said that those who cross nitara are never heard from again. hardened from past experiences, she’s spent her life building a reputation as one of the most powerful leaders of the city. and while her skills with a knife and cut-throat ways of persuasion paint her as a heartless soul, her behaviour towards those she cares about says more than any front she hides behind—you would know. over the years, your alliance has let you inside the walls of one of the most guarded people in notellum, that is, if you don’t betray her.

VAL BELEDRI, THE EMISSARY. [gender selectable]

if you realized how many jobs they do, you’d think val runs vitaris. as the ruler’s right-hand, they are the backbone of the kingdom, aiding with advisory and administrative tasks—including the occasional (non-official) discussion with kahlys. yet, despite the lack of sleep they get at night, their charm and teasing banter are never ending. how much of it is genuine though, is hard to tell. when the act begins and when it ends is a line that’s been long lost to them.

REYES VERENELI, THE MYTHIC. [gender selectable]

reyes wears their heart on their sleeve and displays their emotions without fear—you’ve never known them to be any different. as a childhood friend you’ve lost and recently found again, it’s easy to make comparisons to who they used to be—even more when it’s clear that something burdens them. still, they’re practically the same as you remember them. that is, as long as you don’t ask them what happened in the years they disappeared.

SILAN, THE SHADOW. [they/he]

they’re the darkness itself. people have personified them over time, to scare their children or warn them of dangerous creatures that lurk at night—but they didn’t realize they were describing someone real.


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