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this is probably one of the most productive weeks i've had in a while. and all because i avoided the scene i was supposed to be writing in favour of something else. ironic, isn't it? either way, i'm super happy with everything that i came up with this week. sometimes when something isn't working out, switching lanes is all that you need to remotivate yourself.

i thought chapter six was fun, but chapter seven is a riot. it may be my favourite chapter yet, but i haven't reached the end yet so i can't decide. i don't know. as i was sitting in my bed the past couple of days, typing away at my laptop and writing out a scene i wasn't even planning on having, i was reminded of why i started writing this in the first place. it's easy to lose track of that when you feel like you have a quota to meet, or some sort of deadline you have to reach. i've been struggling with that for a couple of months now, but once in a while, this happens.

my favourite part about writing this story is that i don't take it too seriously. yes, i want to make sure my characters are realistic and have their own arcs. i want the plot to make sense and not have any huge gaping plot holes. but most of all, i started writing this because i wanted to make a fun escape where i could squish all my favourite tropes in story and have a blast with it. i guess that's your little teaser of what i recently wrote. i've already talked about the close proximity trope and honestly, that was the only one i was going to squeeze in here, but i found a spot for another trope i adore and just had to include it. it's an optional choice, so if you're not a fan you can opt out, but it does a great job at setting up chapter eight and i can't wait to reveal it.

but enough with being super vague. for the next coming week, i only have two more scenes to write. with me, that can either take three days or two weeks, depending on how much extra content i decide to write. it's safe to say i'm near the end, however. if i had to give it a percentage, i'd say i'm about 80% done. my only problem with the scene i'm currently working on is that i don't really have a plan for it. i mean, i did, but then i fell asleep and forgot it all, so i'm back at square one, just mindlessly writing and hoping that it all flows. i've cut it a couple of times already, so i'm hoping that i'll soon get to the point where i can keep what i've written, rather than put it in my scraps document.


268,669 words (+7.97k)


There’re shouts from all around me, everyone seemingly focused on something happening at the very middle. It feels like a high-school fight, where students gather around to cheer others on and shout advice for how to punch each other.


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