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“i'm a simple person; i don't need much to live. but sometimes i look up at the stars and wonder about a life that isn't mine."

full name. reyes vereneli.

pronouns. he/him. she/her. they/them. [gender selectable]

bio. reyes wears their heart on their sleeve and displays their emotions without fear—you’ve never known them to be any different. they're thoughtful, always putting others above them even when they too need help; charismatic, which does wonders for their business; and patient, always there to guide you through things even if it needs to be done a hundred times before you get the hang of it.

as a childhood friend you’ve lost and recently found again, it's easy to notice all the little differences. the person you used to explore the streets with, play hide-and-seek and tag with, is still there, but something burdens them. you can see it in their eyes. something that warns of a hollowness, a secret they're holding back. as long as you don't ask them what happened that is in the years they disappeared, the two of you can continue reconciling for all the time you've lost. just don't ask. 

appearance. reyes has pale skin, green eyes and ginger/copper hair. if male, his hair reaches about the ear, messy stray pieces framing his face. if female, her hair reaches around mid-torso. it is naturally straight but since it’s cut with layers, many of the pieces look curved. if non-binary, their hair is styled in a wolf cut that ends just above their shoulders.

reyes is cis and pansexual. they stand at 5’9. the closest ethnicity to describe them would be scottish.

age 24.

birthday. october 4th (libra).

mbti. esfp.


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