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may 6th-12th.

hi! how's everyone doing? i'm going to make this a shorter update because i'm planning on working on chapter eleven throughout the night today. or, as long as i can stay up, at least. i won't be able to work on it for the next two weeks because i'm going to europe (!!), so this is my way of trying to catch up.

speaking of, since i won't be writing, there isn't a point in doing weekly updates for the time that i'm gone. as compensation, i'll post two drabbles (one that will be available on all tiers, and a second that will be available for the twilight and midnight tiers only). in addition, i'll try my best to get a sneak peek up with the content i write tonight and tomorrow, but it really depends on what i write tonight. if not, i hope the drabbles are a good enough trade.

chapter-wise, i'm still chipping away at K's and Rylan's scene. as usual, the plot has started to run away from me a little and is now developing in a way i hadn't planned—but i like it? i initially thought that Blane's scene would be the exact same as this one (i think i mentioned this last week), but K's and Rylan's whole 'not being part of IAOS' thing has made me reconsider some things. there's a lot that Blane discusses that don't make sense for K and Rylan, so we're touching on topics i didn't think i'd be able to address. i'm happy with it, though. it gives more variety to branches and (hopefully) convinces you to go back and play both.

alright, i'm going to go grind now! as always, thank you so much for supporting me and i hope you and your loved ones are all doing well. i'll speak to you again in two weeks <333

sneak peek.

[Rylan's] the anomaly I never thought I'd see. The acquaintance—friend?—I didn't think was possible to make.



Excited for the drabbles!! ^^ Hope you have fun on the trip Kristi, enjoy your much deserved break!! :))


Enjoy the trip Kristi! Make sure to take the time to unwind all the stress from the states.