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Hi everyone,

Happy New year! We're a bit more late than we aimed to be, for somewhat obvious reasons of the business of the holidays, but we're here now.  We bring you this month another great pin-up, and three great minis for your gaming adventures.  Here's list:

January (Pack 35) release and our welcome chest as we continue Season 3 of our adventure.

  • Felicia The Muse -  3d printable pin-up. Part of our muses pin-up series, created by RAW and designed by @greenucorm .  Available at 75mm and 120mm.
  • Lancer Chiara - Part of the Galisantio Lancers.  A true scout and skirmisher, she strikes first and usually when not expected. (35mm and 54mm range)
  • Lancer Patricio - Part of the Galisantio Lancers.  He is always where fighting is thickest, wine is bountiful and the maidens are fair. (35mm and 54mm range)
  • Lancer Dulce - Part of the Galisantio Lancers.  Master of the two handed greatsword and devout of Melos, the god of war. (35mm range)

2. Additionally you will also get our new welcome pack:

  • Hero's Welcome Pack - Part of our fantasy line (Threads of Light and Darkness), Karoku is a stoic monk. Provided in Action and idle pose at 35mm, idle pose at 54mm, and 100mm bust.
  • Monster Pack - Part of our fantasy line (ToLaD) including one of our epic monsters, Hisada The Bonescythe, Farun The Herald, Lysena The Lightbearer, and two of our mutated undead foes (35mm).
  • Cyberpunk Samples Pack - Includes the bust version of Spitfire Jen (100mm tall), one of our heroes Takeshi in his biker version, and one of our QRS troopers (Judge) (35mm and 54mm).
  • Pin-Up sample, Sporty Irene - Our OC Irene doing her fitness routine in SFW and NSFW versions (75mm).

Here are the links:


As usual let us know here or on discord of any issues.  We wish you an awesome new year and happy printing!



Kuro Tabo

sorry if I missed it somewhere but I just joint, is it possible to unlock the rewards also in MMF for my library?