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Hello Dear Ronin,

We have news for you, some good and some bad but we’re hoping that overall, it’s good news. After a year of giving it our best, we’ve come up short on the extent of growth needed to keep our scope of content sustainable.

Some of this comes down to marketing, our content not catching enough audience, some wrong targeting or approach on our part, maybe some wrong timing, and other factors big and small that force our hand to change strategy.

We always knew that a mixed bag approach was risky, but we also didn’t want to be pigeonholed into just one thing. Here is what the next stages will most likely look like:

• We will change pricing and tiers to reflect a smaller scope of monthly content. Prices and tiers will become a bit cheaper, and the content offered in them will change.

• Our core delivery will be focused on pin up content, meaning one pin up girl each month with some multi-kit options and a possible second pin up on months where time and resources allow.

• Some additional cyberpunk or fantasy minis will be part of the bundle each month, possibly one every other month.

• We will focus more on loyalty rewards and develop figures over the spans of 2-3 or 6 months to create special reward models for our supporters that stick around.

These are the main changes happening on Patreon. Another reason for our change of approach is piracy and the many requests and questions we get about physical model production.

One of our main objectives at RAW is the creation of intellectual properties and lines of figures that grow beyond just a one-off single miniature or set of minis.

This means some of the following:

• Some of our pin-up minis will be produced as high-end collectible resin cast sets. We have partners eager to work with us to make that happen and we’ll work with them to create some top-quality box sets.

• Some monsters and dioramas from our fantasy sets will also be put into production later this year.

• Our fantasy line is called Threads of Light and Darkness. It will continue development as a sprawling D&D 5th edition compatible campaign and also as a stand-alone box game which will see production via partnership with some of our industry contacts and likely crowd funded for full production.

• Our cyberpunk line, called RAW Reset, will also continue development. We will create more characters, minis, and continue to expand the lore and world, along with some game mechanics.

The reduction of scope on Patreon will also allow us to test out the development of smaller content drops for our fantasy line directly on My Mini Factory.  This will take the shape or small direct to shop drops of smaller monsters, minions, heroes and more. This might become our tribes page there eventually too.  We’ll also catch up our previous content drops and user groups ASAP.

Along with our fantasy, cyberpunk and pin up lines. We’ve also been working on a couple other lines, here’s some more info on those:

• The Black Betty line is a post apocalyptic line of minis for now only consisting of Betty, we will do a couple more pin ups of her in different art styles, and we’ll eventually bring you more characters from her world as loyalty rewards and physical collectors sets too.  The first Betty loyalty reward has been sent out this past week.

• The Jane and Silverback line is our sci-fi mech line (not named yet). It will continue to grow, some figures from this line will also be part of loyalty rewards and physical collectors sets will be developed.

• The Ronin line (temp name) is one of the lines we’ve been carefully developing behind the scenes. This is the line that inspired our logo and we finally have some character designs fleshed out for it that you can see in this post. We bring you Masaru Takumi, our first Ronin of many more. These will be 75mm figures. Some versions of these will be available only in digital, and others only in collectors edition sets.

Along with all of this, RAW has been collaborating with clients and partners in projects like the Jasco’s Mortal Kombat Miniatures Game, special Edition statues for THQ video games, and visual development work for animated shows and entertainment.

You’ll see more of these projects go public through this year and there’s even more to come.

We are a bit sad about having to reduce the scope of our monthly deliveries, but this new approach will allow us to give you our best quality each month with our pin ups, which are our best performing items, without over-extending ourselves to deliver too much content that isn’t fully finding its audience so far.

We may be able to grow scope again in the future, but we’ll try this way for now and see how it goes.

We understand that some of you may drop your pledge now, but we hope many of you stick around and if you do leave maybe you keep following us on other platforms in case we make more stuff that you could enjoy.

We’re thankful for your support. For those of you that will stick around, thank you so much! You will see prices and tiers change before month’s end and if there are any mixups or confusion we’ll be sorting it through March.

We are extremely grateful for every single one of you who has supported us throughout the last 12 months. The change of pricing will take place on the 28th of this month so that you don’t get overcharged for next month at the start of the month.

A robust community rose from the content we provided and we are always so happy and proud to see you printing and painting our miniatures!

Thanks again for your support and if you have questions or comments you can post them here, directly message us, or post on the discord channel where we’ll be open to more discussion and just hanging out with you rad Ronin!



What are we looking for the amount of Miniatures that are going to be reduced. I know you said one pin up and a little sci-fi & fantasy bundles with it. I think on average of output has been 11 minis produced monthly. Are we dropping 50% so more like 4 to 5? Or is it only going to be one or two minis a month?


The pin up will be provided in two scales with some multi-kit options. For the next couple months we're adding two fantasy minis with two alt versions each. Future drops will be similar. We'll try to also release previews earlier in the month, and drop the content earlier in the month too.

Domi Schell

I like that you're focusing on the Pinups because frankly they are the main reason I joined. 🥰 What you could do ist have a look at your file sizes. Why is the current lewd crate with 2 figures 2.5GB large?


Might be because we upload STL and Lys, but also this month the first version of presupports was failing a lot, so we're uploading updates stil.