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Hi everyone,

We interrupt our fairly irregular posting schedule to bring you free goodies!  This here is the Calamity Jane bust from Fearsone Wilderness, sculpted by Leo Pokorny, one of the sculptors at RAW who also did many of the minis for this project.  

What is Fearsone Wilderness? well, it's a board game as well as a miniatures collection and they are currently working on a tabletop roleplaying game coming out later this year. It's a project by Geektopia Games, who have been supporters of RAW from day 1.

Fend off the unnatural Fearsome Critters of folklore. Endure grueling days and tormented nights in the forest. Time is short. Can you survive with only twelve weeks til winter?  The game is now for sale in stores and online.

Find out more at their site:
Fearsome Wilderness

And grab your printable Calamity Jane bust files right here:

Calamity Jane Bust



Tannhauser Gate Studio

Noiiiiice! Thanks for the freebie! Still have to print Fearsome Wilderness stuff... too much commissions to do here 😂