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Dear patrons,

I think all of you are aware of the recent events. As a citizen of Russia, I want to say that what our government is doing right now is terrible. War is terrible. Invasion is terrible. There is no excuse for killing innocent people.

I fully understand if any of you no longer want to support me because of this situation.

Thank you very much for all your support over the past years, it means a lot to me and has helped to improve my life and life of my family significantly. I will always remember that.


UPD: Thank you so much. <3


H Angeli アンジェリ

Your work has nothing to do with this. There are amazing people in Russia, and you are one of them. People are not their shit governments. I used to be a pateon and I stopped because I was low on money. But seriously, that would be the one and only reason for stopping my financial support.


If you keep making great art, I'll keep supporting it.


Your art is amazing!

Andrew zbz

you cant put the actions of an entire country on an individual. clearly you dont believe in it and there is little you can do about where you live unless you are rich. i would argue we have the same problem in america in politics and racism. you really cant look at the actions of one person and just transfer the judgement on someone else because they have any sort of similarities. i support you 100% and i have for years, keep it up and try not to let the rest of you situation get you down, unfortunately there is little to be done.

Martin Ba

People not supporting you anymore because of your unelected government are deranged. You have nothing to do with that. Be safe and sound.


Just because you're a citizen of Russia, doesn't mean you are responsible for the violence and hate going on. Many citizens of Russia are in the streets, being arrested, being assaulted by their own police, to show support for Ukraine. The best thing we can do during these troubling and confusing times is hold fast to each other and hope for sanity to prevail. единство!


Hi Waneella, thank you for stating your stance. You are not your government and I will continue to supporting your work. Stay safe.

Eric Hudson

Anyone who decides not to support you because of this situation doesn't deserve to be here in the first place. Keep making amazing art, and I pray you remain safe.

Donovan Krpec

I'm staying, I absolutely love your work ❤ stay safe

Joanna Koulianos

Anyone who wouldn't support your art anymore just because you happen to have been born in or are a citizen of a certain country is a bigot. You are not your government any more than I am the US government. I pray that no one judges me for what my country has done around the world. I will continue to support you. Sending love from the US.

Raphaelle LD

You're not responsible for what your government decides to do. I'm a proud supporter and I will remain so. Take care 💕

Ulysses Heart

No one with a sane mind would ever connect you to the government, or Putin. Russian artists and writers have been the greatest inspirations of my life. That will never change. That includes you. All of us celebrate what you offer to the world and honor it. As an American, I have frequently been ashamed of my Goverment and its leaders (particularly our former President). This is a time for the world to rally around and support everything that is good and decent about the Russian people, and divide them from the evil of Putin and his attempt to crush Ukraine. It will be the conscience of Russians that will help bring an end to this insanity. In the mean time, thank you for your amazing work.


You are not your government, and you don't really have much say in what your government does - even less than Americans do, as I understand it, and we don't expect to be judged by what our government does in foreign affairs. I will keep supporting you because I love your work. Thank you for the message though, I am very glad to hear you explicitly say you don't support your government here.


The people of Russia don't represent the ideas of the nation. We are supporting you for your immaculate art and we'll continue to do so, regardless of the circumstances. You have nothing to do with the bigger picture.


Thank you for speaking out against this. I've seen some people in the West lashing out at Russian citizens, calling for deportations from the US and boycotting of Russian creators, but I think most people understand that artists, students, workers, and ordinary citizens don't deserve to be punished for the actions of their government. I think it's important to continue to talk and support each other across national borders especially in times like these. Thank you for all you've done and I hope you're able to continue supporting yourself with your work for a long time to come.


Thanks for speaking against it. From the outside, we can often get the false impression that the Russian people are agreeing as one with the opinion and agenda of their government. I'm glad to hear dissenting voices that remind me how wrong this assumption is. Please keep doing great art. <3

Carlos Pardo

Ironically, war is always decided by monsters that know each other and end up killing people that don't know each other. I support your art, not Russian gov. Keep Up <3

Mojin Kun

There is no way I'll stop supporting you because of this event. I love your art. I respect you even more for speaking up. Hold tight!

Katherine Allan

You are not to blame for the decisions of your govt! I can't imagine how distressing this must be for you and your loved ones. Thank you for all your lovely work. My support isn't going anywhere. ♥

Max Miller-Loran

Very brave to speak out. I hope it's clear to most that ordinary Russian citizens are not responsible for Putin's behavior. Thank you for your art!


Most of us have no control over what the governments of our countries do. I can't blame you for that!


We will always support your amazing work, hope this war end soon. Have many artist friends living in Russia. :)

Mason Kellum

Best of luck to your endeavors, stay safe. I'm sure plenty of us will still be right here enjoying your outstanding work.