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This pack contains two January images (3000x5000px) plus one extra colour version.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the third GIF of this month, but it's almost done and I'll post it as soon as possible in February. Just don't want to hurry and ruin it.

I also want to thank one more time those who have participated in my interactive activity experiment! I'll continue to draw remaining objects in February, so please stay tuned! 

In this month I did a lot of things to make the online store be more possible, but it still needs some time. Thank you very much for the patience and for your interest to my works.

Good news is that I managed to buy a dot matrix printer (Epson FX-2190). It can print with black colour only, but it prints with needles (pins) and in my opinion it's perfect for pixel art. I'm going to make an art zine of something like that with its help, hope to show the results soon!

Here're the very first tests:

As you can see, it consists of dots (because of the pins). It also can print on different types of paper, which gives a lots of possibilities!

That's all for now.

Thank you very much for your January support! I will try my best in February! 





Didn't know there's such printers but it make sense. Looking forward to the online store!


Brilliant work!