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There are guests in the house. Why. Why are there guests in the house. Who are they and what are they doing here. Why do so many things always happen at the end of the month for some reason. (翻訳:DeepL) (人がたくさんいるんです。なぜ?なぜ、家の中に人がいるのか。彼らは誰で、ここで何をしているのか。なぜかいつも月末になるといろいろなことが起こる。)

Apparently, they are relatives. They went to my guardian and said "We were passing by and thought to stay here until tomorrow or so!" Then looked at me and said "It's been a while hasn't it?" My guardian can only look at me apologetically. (どうやら親戚のようだ。俺のおばさんのところに行って、"通りすがりの者ですが、明日くらいまでここにいようと思って!"と言ってきた。そして、俺の方を見て "久しぶりだね "と言ってきた。叔母は申し訳なさそうに俺を見ているしかない。)

What. Huh? Huh???

This is very bad timing because I was just about to record the audio for the reward!! Now I don't know what to do... I obviously can't record with them around so I am stumped! I was even so confident earlier this morning that I will be able to upload the reward on time... why does this keep happening?! 😭😭😭
(ちょうどご褒美の音声を録音しようと思っていたところだったので、非常にタイミングが悪い!!!! 俺はどうすればいいんだ!?明らかに、ここでホイホイと録音できないから、俺は困ってるんだ! 今朝方、報酬のアップロードは間に合うと自信満々だったくらいなのに...なんでこんなことが続くんだ!!?😭😭😭)

*sigh* So apparently, you guys will have two videos in December, because there's no way I'd be able to work on this with children running around in the house.

For now, I'll be posting this blurred preview of what it is supposed to be! For suspense, I guess.
( (ため息) というわけで、どうやら12月にはお前らには2本のビデオが届くようだ。家の中で子供が走り回っている中で、俺がこれに取り組めるわけがないからね。


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(Sorry for the weird way I am talking here🙏, I am kind of angry 😅 haha )



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