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I think I've gotten a little better... Feedback?




I've been following you for a good while, and this, the Ruri pic, and the other Alexis pic all show better attention to detail, and this skeleton looks very nice, with what looks like to me, a good amount of consistent shape drawing and model keeping. Obviously you have your own styling on the characters designs, but everything looks nice and recognizable. I know you've been getting some negative feedback recently, but from one artistic person to another, you got to take the bad shit people through at you and beat past it, cuz you are good, and you do put in the work to what you love. So don't let those Negative Nelly's get you down. You have so many people around you that support you and care about you, so keep you chin up and believe in yourself. This has been the truthful, yet tired writings of a college student during finals, have a nice night man.

Shelved Oddities

*Thumbs up* Heey, that's pretty good (objectively speaking).