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So, I don’t know… I’ve been feeling depressed today. 

Not helped that I’ve got a few people claiming that I’m apparently a terrible artist to people. 

I mean, I know I’m not perfect… But… Terrible?… 

Maybe I’m too sensitive… I dunno…*sighs*

I keep practicing, and trying different things, heck, I like to think that I’ve improved on anatomy… 

…Maybe I’m just being too sensitive *sighs*


Garkin Dalmas

78 patrons say otherwise with their wallets.


just do you and keep improving


"Terrible"? Preposterous. Chances are their standards are absurd to the point where they think all cartoonish styles are hideous regardless of quality, they hate the subject matter or would prefer fewer topless pictures. While I can understand (and personally agree with, but bitching ain't gonna help anything) the latter, whoever told you that is well and truly full of it 'cause believe me when I say that if your artistic style's terrible, then so is that of My Hero Academia. So are those of all who all anime. So are the artists from Way Forward. So is almost everyone who's ever worked on a cartoon of any type, 'cause you're damn good at capturing those styles.


I would like to offer factual evidence contrary to these claims of poor art quality. You currently have $226 pledged to you on patreon, in addition to what you earn from commissions. This is nearly an extra week's pay for me and many others. Therefore your artwork is probably more valuable to more people than any destructive criticism from internet trolls.


I've never commented on Patreon before and I thought I wouldn't until I saw this. I'm just outraged honestly. You're not terrible. Definitely not. You are objectively only person I follow on patreon and I really love your work (I'm fairly sure that I got a patreon because I wanted to look at your yugioh packs here). Like, I'm always excited when I see an update in my inbox from you either here or on Deviantart. Honestly you're not being sensitive- comments like that ESPECIALLY without any helpful critiques are the worst and just plain mean. Try not let it get you down too much. You're doing a good thing with practicing and trying new things. Like I can see the immense progress with your colours especially in your art. Just keep it up, okay? I'm routing for you and so are the rest of your evil minions!

Cecil Kane

my *ONE* complaint is unfinished voting projects. Or at-least, not declared finished projects you get up to. Usually when voting/donation drives end a finale is posted so people waiting for the next part know its over/people who find the final part don't think theirs still time to drop a payment if they gloss over and don't realize how many months/years its been sense the image was posted. I thought the Ralts and Vulpix voting sequence was going to go the same way till you updated it, making my day, another example would be the potion's voting, where the last posted main page still have voting forms, but the next stuff after were epilogue/spinoff stuffs, but other then that one personal gripe I have yet to see any evidence of you being terrible to anyone or your art being bad, and I continue to check in for new stuff semi daily. *Thumbs up* I hope you feel better M 'n E, and keep on trucking, try not to let other people get you down, especially if there just being negative and nonconstructive in there words. Stay Awesome!


Actually the potion one was finished a while ago and is up on my FA account.


If it wasn't really late here atm, I'd post it. But I'll post it on here and DA over the weekend. Sorry about that.